AMA: How to Turn a Not-So-Great Job Market Into a Great Opportunity for Yourself
12:00 pm
Yifan Chen

Join Onramp and Yifan Chen for a conversation about how to turn the current not-so-great job market into a very-much-great opportunity for yourself. This casual, AMA-style event will cover:

-How to tailor your preparation and job search strategy for the path that best fits you (but first, how do you even know what that path is?).
-How best to prepare for the coding interview.
-How to balance your life, well-being, and ongoing responsibilities with your job search.
-You've tried, failed, tried again, and failed again. What now?
-And more!

Yifan is a software engineer at Amazon Web Services on the Elastic Load Balancing team. His journey to becoming a software engineer was quite peculiar. He studied biology in undergrad, worked as a financial services management consultant, went to a coding bootcamp, became a junior developer at a medical devices company, got an MBA, tried out product management at AWS, and ultimately returned to his true passion as a software engineer.