AMA: From College Professor to Software Engineer Without a CS Degree
12:00 pm
Frank Klink, Ph.D

Join Onramp and Frank Klink for a discussion about the importance of knowing how to think about problems. Frank started his career in academia and transitioned to software engineering without any formal training. He believes that the fundamental skill of knowing how to get from point A to point B will serve you well when you're learning new skills. In this discussion we'll cover:* The intellectual, technical, and soft skills that distinguish good or great engineers from mediocre ones.* How best to learn the technical skills required to break into the industry and how to succeed thereafter.* Areas of specialization upon which to focus.* Implications of large language models (like ChatGPT) for the future of software engineering work.

Frank Klink is a political economist by training (and by former practice) and a currently practicing professional in the areas of software engineering and data science. His interests span these domains and their interconnections. Currently, he works as a software engineering manager and architect at a large financial institution and maintains an independent praxis centering on Bayesian decision modeling (as applied to the analysis of "sticky priors" and the trust predicates of blockchain technology) and on the use of large language machine learning models in the generation of computer code and related software artifacts.